+44 (0)7802 221365 info@aviationsec.co.uk

Forward Thinking

First established in 2008 by an accredited DfT Air Cargo Instructor, then incorporated into AviationSec Ltd in 2019, we are constantly developing new courses and threat X-ray libraries. Our valued customers’ feedback always shapes software development to improve our offering.

Problem Solvers

Trusted by multinationals, regulated agents with small numbers of employees, and certified training providers alike, we know the Air Cargo Training industry and the rigorous demands it places on security managers. We’ve developed courses to meet those demands that can be accessed conveniently.

Customer Support

We offer the customer support we ourselves would like to receive: prompt, effective and we get to know our customers well. Always happy to help with all aspects of training deployment from installation, monitoring and occasionally even impartial training advice.

Jacqueline Berry

Jacqueline Berry

Accredited DfT Instructor, Independent Software Developer and Provider of Technical Support

With a background of 20+ years experience in software development, specialising in X-ray threat detection research and machine simulations, plus over a decade as an accredited DfT instructor, as the former owner of Adaptive Detection Ltd. (incorporated into AviationSec Ltd.), Jacqueline is uniquely placed to assist Andrew Hudson with Cargo IEDware 6 x 6 CBT and help ensure online training meets and exceeds mandatory requirements.

Andrew Hudson

Andrew Hudson

DfT Instructor and Owner of AviationSec Ltd. (incorporating Adaptive Detection Ltd. in 2019)

As the owner of AviationSec Ltd (incorporating Adaptive Detection Ltd.) Andrew is the guru of regulations, X-ray threats and instrumental in suggestions for effective training exercises. A DfT instructor for decades training large and smaller companies at all levels, Andrew is a NXCT test manager, RFX and threat assessor, specialising in Air Cargo X-ray RFX, security programmes and contingency planning.